Character Special Ability Cooldowns by Turn | EA Forums - 4951147 (2024)

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Rising Traveler

6 days ago

0 Turns:

  • B1 Battle Droid: Blast Them!
  • BB-8: Covert Data Transfer
  • Boba Fett, Scion of Jango: Dual Barrage
  • Boba Fett, Scion of Jango: Bounty Breaker
  • BT-1: Haywire
  • Jedi Knight Cal Kestis: Whirlwind Slam
  • Jedi Knight Cal Kestis: Windmill Defence
  • Jedi Knight Cal Kestis: Impetuous Assault
  • Maul: Seething Rage
  • Moff Gideon: Subversive Volley
  • Rey: Lifeblood
  • Rey: Sudden Whirlwind
  • Saw Gerrera: Set Explosive Traps
  • Starkiller: Size Means Nothing
  • The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor): Swift Takedown

1 Turn:

  • Imperial Probe Droid: Self-Destruct

2 Turns:

  • Bastila Shan: Subvert Defences
  • Bastila Shan (Fallen): Wild Lightning
  • Biggs Darklighter: Comrade-in-Arms
  • Cara Dune: Improvised Strategy
  • Cassian Andor: Shock Grenade
  • Darth Talon: Ordered Assassination
  • Dash Rendar: Stop Right There!
  • Fennec Shand: I Don't Miss
  • Finn: Takedown
  • IG-86 Sentinel Droid: Assassin Droid Tactics
  • IG-12 and Grogu: Yes.
  • Iden Versio: Push Forward
  • Imperial Super Commando: Superior Tactics
  • Jyn Erso: Truncheon Strike
  • K-2SO: Conductive Charge
  • Kelleran Beq: Jedi Bravery
  • Ki-Adi Mundi: Adaptive Form
  • Kuiil: Voltaic Shot
  • Luminara Unduli: Force Blast
  • Nute Gunray: Dubious Dealings
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi: I Will Do What I Must
  • Qui-Gon Jinn: Harmonious Assault
  • STAP: Die, Jedi Dogs!
  • Sabine Wren: Darksaber Strike
  • Threepio and Chewie: Shining Distraction
  • Tusken Raider: Tusken Ambush
  • Tusken Warrior: Tusken Charge
  • Wrecker: I Hate That Word
  • Young Han Solo: Upper Hand

3 Turns:

  • 5OR-T: Tactical Advantage
  • ARC Trooper: Assign Command
  • Aayla Secura: Survivor
  • Admiral Ackbar: Tactical Genius
  • Admiral Raddus: Blue Squadron Air Support
  • Admiral Trench: Net Positive
  • Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum): Meditate
  • Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum): Whirlwind
  • Ahsoka Tano (Snips): Protective Manoeuvre
  • Asajj Ventress: Strike Fear
  • Asajj Ventress: Endless Wrath
  • B2 Super Battle Droid: Mow Down
  • BT-1: Agent of Destruction
  • Bastila Shan (Fallen): Fear
  • Baze Malbus: Unload
  • Baze Malbus: Fierce Reprisal
  • Bistan: Gunner Tactics
  • Bo-Katan (Mand'alor): Darksaber Flourish
  • Boba Fett: Execute
  • Boss Nass: Bombad Favour
  • Boushh (Leia Organa): Inventive
  • C-3PO: Oh My Goodness!
  • CT-5555 "Fives": Cover Fire
  • Cad Bane: Stun Glove
  • Cal Kestis: Help Me, BD-1
  • Cal Kestis: Not So Fast
  • Canderous Ordo: Overwhelming Firepower
  • Captain Drogan: Fire Support
  • Captain Drogan: Battle Plan
  • Captain Rex: Master Marksman
  • Captain Rex: Suppressing Fire
  • Cassian Andor: Crippling Shot
  • Chewbacca: Furious Bowcaster
  • Chief Nebit: Distracting Negotiations
  • Chief Nebit: Desert Ambush
  • Chirrut Imwe: Strength of Purpose
  • Chopper: Cantankerous Clanker
  • Clone Sergeant- Phase I: Suppressive Fire
  • Clone Wars Chewbacca: Wookiee Rage
  • Clone Wars Chewbacca: Defiant Roar
  • Colonel Starck: Scan All Wavelengths
  • Coruscant Underworld Police: Non-Lethal Crowd Control
  • Count Dooku: Force Lightning
  • Count Dooku: Master of Makashi
  • Dark Trooper: Bombarding Reinforcements
  • Dark Trooper Moff Gideon: Strategic Onslaught
  • Darth Bane: Malevolent Whirlwind
  • Darth Malak: Torture
  • Darth Malgus: Deprive Senses
  • Darth Maul: Whirling Blades
  • Darth Nihilus: Drain Force
  • Darth Revan: Force Storm
  • Death Trooper: Terminate
  • Death Trooper (Peridea): Just a Little Nibble
  • Death Trooper (Peridea): Necrotic Tissue
  • Dengar: Blast and Smash
  • Dengar: Mini-Mine Mayhem
  • Director Krennic: Death Trooper Assault
  • Director Krennic: Experimental Weaponry
  • Doctor Aphra: Dangerous Tech
  • Droideka: Destructive Armament
  • Droideka: Reconstructive Revolution
  • Echo: One Step Ahead
  • Echo: Never Any Doubt
  • Eeth Koth: Force Push
  • Eighth Brother: Photon Grenades
  • Embo: Kyuzo War Helmet
  • Emperor Palpatine: Let the Hate Flow
  • Enfys Nest: Sudden Impact
  • Ewok Scout: Rushing Attack
  • Ezra Bridger: Flourish
  • Ezra Bridger: Watch and Learn
  • Fifth Brother: The Kill is Mine
  • Finn: Hold the Line
  • First Order Executioner: Death Sentence
  • First Order Officer: Marching Orders
  • First Order Officer: Pinning Shot
  • First Order SF TIE Pilot: Oppressive Burst
  • First Order Stormtrooper: The Order Relentless
  • First Order TIE Pilot: Gun Down
  • Gamorrean Guard: Punch Through
  • Garazeb 'Zeb' Orrelios: Staggering Sweep
  • General Grievous: Skittering Horror
  • General Hux: Oppressive Fire
  • General Hux: Devious Scheme
  • General Skywalker: Sundering Strike
  • General Skywalker: Force Grip
  • Geonosian Brood Alpha: Glaive Sweep
  • Geonosian Brood Alpha: Conscription
  • Geonosian Soldier: Swarm
  • Geonosian Spy: Silent Strike
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn: Fracture
  • Grand Admiral Thrawn: Grand Admiral's Command
  • Grand Master Yoda: Masterstroke
  • Grand Moff Tarkin: Intimidation Tactics
  • Gungan Boomadier: Cluster Booma
  • HK-47: Havoc
  • Han Solo: Deadeye
  • Hera Syndulla: Play to Strengths
  • Hermit Yoda: Master's Training
  • Hoth Rebel Scout: Rebel Assault
  • Hoth Rebel Soldier: Hold the Line
  • Hunter: Shrouded Approach
  • Hunter: Finish What We Started
  • IG-100 MagnaGuard: Disruption
  • IG-100 MagnaGuard: Stunning Strike
  • IG-11: Nurse Droid Protocol
  • IG-12 and Grogu: No. No. No.
  • Ima-Gun Di: Rebuke
  • Jabba the Hutt: Crumb's Revenge
  • Jango Fett: Conflagration
  • Jawa: Stun Surprise
  • Jawa Scavenger: Scrap Bomb
  • Jedi Consular: Jedi Healings
  • Jedi Consular: Attack as Defence
  • Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker: Overpowering Assault
  • Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker: Stalwart Advance
  • Jedi Knight Revan: Master Strategist
  • Jedi Knight Revan: Direct Focus
  • Jolee Bindo: Eh, You Do It
  • Juhani: Remorseful Thrash
  • Kanan Jarrus: Intervene
  • Kanan Jarrus: Total Defence
  • Kelleran Beq: Lightsaber Training
  • Ki-Adi Mundi: Ataru Lunge
  • Ki-Adi Mundi: Makashi Jab
  • Krrsantan: Ferocious Fusillade
  • Kyle Katarn: Just a Guy with a Lightsaber
  • Kyle Katarn: Power of the Valley
  • Kylo Ren: Outrage
  • Kylo Ren (Unmasked): Halt
  • Kylo Ren (Unmasked): Focused Rage
  • L3-37: Spark of Hope
  • Lando Calrissian: Double Down
  • Lobot: Optimize
  • Logray: Hypotize
  • Lord Vader: Dark Harbinger
  • Luke Skywalker (Farmboy): Bullseye
  • Luthen Rael: What Do I Sacrifice?
  • Luthen Rael: A Sunless Space
  • Mace Windu: Smite
  • Mace Windu: This Party's Over
  • Master Qui-Gon: Feel, Use Your Instincts
  • Master Qui-Gon: I'll Take That Bet
  • Maul: Fervent Rush
  • Merrin: Shadow Stride
  • Merrin: Dathomir Will Be Your Grave
  • Mission Vao: Street Smarts
  • Mob Enforcer: Thermal Detonator
  • Night Trooper: March of the Undying
  • Nightsister Acolyte: Sacrficial Magicks
  • Nightsister Initiate: Cut Down
  • Nightsister Spirit: Possess
  • Nightsister Zombie: Feed
  • Ninth Sister: Not Worth My Time
  • Omega: Adaptive Learner
  • Padawan Obi-Wan: Redirected Blast
  • Padawan Obi-Wan: Sweeping Assault
  • Padme Amidala: Cunning Plan
  • Padme Amidala: Graceful Assault
  • Paploo: Diversion
  • Paz Vizsla: Ancestral Broadside
  • Paz Vizsla: Vengeful Incineration
  • Princess Kneesaa: Dangar, Ewoks!
  • Princess Leia: Rebel Tactics
  • Qi'ra: Scattering Blast
  • Queen Amidala: I Am Queen Amidala
  • Qui-Gon Jinn: Humbling Blow
  • Range Trooper: Steady
  • Resistance Hero Poe: Optic Onslaught
  • Resistance Hero Poe: Blaster Bravado
  • Resistance Pilot: Outmanoeuvre
  • Royal Guard: Imperial Phalanx
  • Sana Starros: Smart-Targeting Scatterblaster
  • Savage Opress: Overpower
  • Scarif Rebel Pathfinder: Explosive Entry
  • Scout Trooper: Imperial Precision
  • Second Sister: Shall I End This?
  • Seventh Sister: ID-9 Electro Shock-Prod
  • Shaak Ti: Assault Plan
  • Shaak Ti: Training Exercises
  • Sith Assassin: Dark Shroud
  • Sith Assassin: Electrocute
  • Sith Empire Trooper: Crimson Barrage
  • Sith Eternal Emperor: So Be It, Jedi
  • Sith Marauder: Victory Through Power
  • Sith Trooper: Vengeant Blast
  • Sith Trooper: Resurgent Power
  • Skiff Guard (Lando Calrissian): Cutter Vibro-Ax
  • Skiff Guard (Lando Calrissian): Covert Coordination
  • Sun Fac: Subjugate
  • Supreme Leader Kylo Ren: Stasis Strike
  • Supreme Leader Kylo Ren: Furious Onslaught
  • T3-M4: Repair Kit
  • Talia: Harrowing Assault
  • Tarfful: Rrrruuuurrr
  • Taron Malicos: Vile Thrash
  • Tech: Delicate Operation
  • The Armorer: Earn Your Signet
  • The Armorer: This is the Way
  • The Mandalorian: Transpierce
  • Third Sister: Unyielding Onslaught
  • Threepio and Chewie: Chewie's Rage
  • Tusken Chieftain: Token of Respect
  • Ugnaught: Droid Experts
  • Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca: Furious Blow
  • Veteran Smuggler Han Solo: Can I Try That?
  • Wedge Antilles: Red Squadron Strike
  • Wicket: Forest Ambush
  • Wicket: Guerrilla Strike
  • Wrecker: Wrecking Ball
  • Young Han Solo: Just in Time
  • Young Lando Calrissian: Dealer's Choice
  • Zaalbar: Power Blast
  • Zam Wesell: Electro-Goggles

4 Turns:

  • 50R-T: Sabacc Shuffle
  • Admiral Ackbar: It's a Trap!
  • Admiral Piett: Inevitable Failure
  • Admiral Piett: Suborbital Strike
  • Aurra Sing: Hustle
  • Aurra Sing: Snipers' Expertise
  • Barriss Offee: Force Healer
  • Bastila Shan: Rally
  • Ben Solo: Obscured
  • Ben Solo: Family Legacy
  • Bo-Katan (Mand'alor): Reinforcements Have Arrived
  • Bo-Katan Kryze: Crippling Strike
  • Boba Fett: Death From Above
  • Bodhi Rook: Spotter
  • Bodhi Rook: Intercept Communications
  • Boss Nass: Intimidating Order
  • Bossk: Hunting Party
  • Bossk: Predatory Instincts
  • CC-2224 "Cody": AT-TE Mass Driver Cannon
  • CT-21-0408 "Echo": EMP Grenade
  • CT-7567 "Rex": Form Up
  • CT-7567 "Rex": Aerial Advantage
  • Captain Phasma: Victory March
  • Captain Phasma: Fusillade
  • Captain Tarpals: Ouch Time
  • Captain Tarpals: No Giben Up
  • Carth Onasi: Just Keep Shooting
  • Chewbacca: Pulverize
  • Chief Chirpa: Ancestral Secrets
  • Chief Chirpa: Tribal Unity
  • Chirrut Imwe: As The Force Wills
  • Chopper: Metal Menace
  • Commander Ahsoka Tano: Shien
  • Commander Luke Skywalker: Use the Force
  • Commander Luke Skywalker: Call to Action
  • Dark Trooper Moff Gideon: Unwavering Presence
  • Darth Bane: Essence of Dominance
  • Darth Malak: Drain Life
  • Darth Malgus: Dark Deception
  • Darth Revan: Insanity
  • Darth Sidious: Demoralizing Blows
  • Darth Sion: Break Will
  • Darth Traya: Saber Storm
  • Darth Traya: Isolate
  • Darth Vader: Culling Blade
  • Dash Rendar: Seeker Missiles
  • Dathcha: Scouting Instincts
  • Death Trooper: Death Trooper Grenade
  • Doctor Aphra: Rogue Archaeology
  • Embo: Elusive Strikes
  • Emperor Palpatine: Power of the Dark Side
  • Enfys Nest: Kinetite Charge
  • Ewok Elder: Tribal Healer
  • Fifth Brother: Shrouded in Darkness
  • First Order SF TIE Pilot: Drumfire
  • Gamorrean Guard: Muscle In
  • Garazeb 'Zeb' Orrelios: Honour Guard
  • General Grievous: Grievous Wounds
  • General Kenobi: The Negotiator
  • General Kenobi: Lead the Charge
  • General Veers: Ruthless Assault
  • Geonosian Spy: Illicit Intel
  • Grand Inquisitor: You're Right to be Afraid
  • Grand Master Yoda: Unstoppable Force
  • Grand Master Yoda: Battle Meditation
  • Grand Moff Tarkin: Ultimate Firepower
  • Greedo: Threaten
  • Gungan Phalanx: Heyo, Watch Out
  • Gungan Phalanx: Raise da Shield
  • Han Solo: Never Tell Me The Odds
  • Hermit Yoda: Strength Flows from the Force
  • Hondo Ohnaka: Insolence? We Are Pirates
  • IG-88: Rapid Fire
  • Iden Versio: We Can Grieve Later
  • Imperial Probe Droid: Detect
  • Jabba the Hutt: Crime Lord
  • Jango Fett: Shrapnel Blast
  • Jar Jar Binks: Uh Oh, Big Boomas
  • Jawa Engineer: Patch Up
  • Jedi Knight Guardian: Saber Throw
  • Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker: Repulse
  • Jedi Master Luke Skywalker: They Grow Beyond
  • Jedi Master Luke Skywalker: Efflux
  • Juhani: Boastful Provocation
  • Jyn Erso: Rebel Counterattack
  • Ki-Adi Mundi: Decisive Thrust
  • Kit Fisto: Turn the Tide
  • Kuiil: I Have Spoken
  • Leia Organa: Rebel Ambush
  • Leia Organa: Tactical Offensive
  • Logray: Prophetic Visions
  • Luminara Unduli: Master Healer's Blessing
  • Magmatrooper: Thermal Imploder
  • Mara Jade, the Emperor's Hand: Ultimate Predator
  • Mara Jade, the Emperor's Hand: Infiltrate and Disrupt
  • Moff Gideon: Darksaber Lunge
  • Morgan Elsbeth: My Loyalty, My Life
  • Morgan Elsbeth: Let None Pass
  • Mother Talzin: Dark Magick
  • Mother Talzin: Spirit Blade Assault
  • Night Trooper: Share my Suffering
  • Nightsister Initiate: Severing Strike
  • Ninth Sister: Ground Pound
  • Nute Gunray: Motivate
  • Old Ben Kenobi: Devoted Protector
  • Old Daka: Chant of Resurrection
  • Omega: Empathy First
  • Paploo: Galvanize
  • Plo Koon: Force Judgement
  • Plo Koon: Take Charge
  • Poe Dameron: Resistance Bravado
  • Poggle the Lesser: Warlord's Resolve
  • Princess Kneesaa: Yub Nub
  • Qi'ra: Joint Operation
  • Queen Amidala: Ascension Gun
  • R2-D2: Smoke Screen
  • R2-D2: Improvise
  • Resistance Hero Finn: Strength of Will
  • Resistance Hero Finn: Rallying Call
  • Resistance Trooper: Opportune Strike
  • Rey (Scavenger): Leverage
  • Rey (Scavenger): Flurry of Blows
  • STAP: We Need to Recharge
  • Sana Starros: Lessons in Coersion
  • Scout Trooper: Strategic Assessment
  • Seventh Sister: ID9 Enemy Intelligence
  • Shoretrooper: Regroup
  • Snowtrooper: Overwhelming Assault
  • Starkiller: Boundless Force Throw
  • Starkiller: Force Repulse
  • Stormtrooper: Stormtrooper Bravado
  • Stormtrooper Han: Draw Fire
  • Sun Fac: Spiteful Strike
  • T3-M4: Carbonite Projector
  • TIE Fighter Pilot: TIE Strike
  • Tarfful: Wookiee Fury
  • Tech: Brilliant Idea
  • Teebo: Bring Low
  • The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor): Disciplined Set-Up
  • The Mandalorian (Beskar Armor): Wonder of the Force
  • Third Sister: Reckless Sweep
  • Tusken Shaman: Rite of Savagery
  • Tusken Warrior: Finishing Strikes
  • URoRRuR'R'R: Single File to Hide their Numbers
  • Vandor Chewbacca: Freedom Fighter
  • Visas Marr: Piercing Strike
  • Wampa: Furious Foe
  • Wat Tambor: Discharge Energy
  • Zam Wesell: See What Sticks
  • Zorii Bliss: Captain's Medallion
  • Zorii Bliss: I've Done Worse for a Lot Less

5 Turns:

  • 0-0-0: Specialised in Torture
  • Amilyn Holdo: Bunker Buster
  • Amilyn Holdo: Reprieve
  • BT-1: Kill Them All
  • Cere Junda: Force Barrier
  • Darth Sion: Torment
  • Darth Talon: Dark Frenzy
  • Darth Vader: Force Crush
  • Eighth Brother: Bladed Hilt
  • Gar Saxon: On The Hunt
  • Greedo: Explosive Sabotage
  • Greef Karga: Sweeten the Deal
  • Gungan Boomadier: Horn of Otoh-Gunga
  • Hera Syndulla: Backup Plan
  • Jar Jar Binks: Wesa Warriors
  • Jolee Bindo: That Looks Pretty Bad
  • Lord Vader: Unshackled Emotions
  • Mon Mothma: Restore Our Republic
  • Mon Mothma: Field Promotion
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi: Hello There
  • Old Ben Kenobi: Mind Tricks
  • Rey (Jedi Training): Defiant Slash
  • Rey (Jedi Training): Mind Trick
  • Rose Tico: Dauntless Bravery
  • Rose Tico: Shock Prod Strike
  • Sabine Wren: Demolish
  • Second Sister: Can't Run Forever
  • Talia: Water of Life
  • Wampa: Icebreaker

6 Turns:

  • Admiral Raddus: Inspiring Manoeuvre
  • CC-2224 "Cody": The 212th Attack
  • Captain Han Solo: Search and Resue
  • Grand Inquisitor: Ready To Die?
  • Greef Karga: Bring Them In Cold
  • Hondo Ohnaka: I Don't Want To Kill You Per Se
  • Moff Gideon: Control the Situation
  • Saw Gerrera: RPS-6 Rocket Launcher Blast
  • Sith Eternal Emperor: Unravelled Destiny
  • Taron Malicos: Die, Whelp!
  • Teebo: Ewok Scramble Tactics

7 Turns:

  • Bistan: Frenzy
  • Ewok Elder: Power of the Forest

8 Turns:

  • Colonel Starck: Blizzard Four Barrage
  • Commander Ahsoka Tano: Force Leap
  • Darth Nihilus: Annihilate
  • Krrsantan: Dismember
  • The Mandalorian: Disintegrate
  • Visas Marr: Dark Healing

9 Turns:

  • Darth Vader: Merciless Massacre
  • HK-47: Assassination Protocol

10 Turns:

  • Captain Han Solo: Hunker Down
  • Cere Junda: Determined Assault

11 Turns:

  • Pao: Sa'kalla
  • Pao: Sonic Grenade

14 Turns:

  • Rebel Officer Leia Organa: Rebel Barrage
  • Young Lando Calrissian: Hot Hand

15 Turns:

  • Darth Sion: Held By Hatred

20 Turns:

  • Sith Eternal Emperor: Power! Unlimited Power!

70 Turns:

  • BB-8: Illuminated Destiny


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Character Special Ability Cooldowns by Turn | EA Forums - 4951147 (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Views: 6501

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.