What’s Pushing Gas Prices So High (2024)

Bundle up this winter. Rising power and natural gas prices are pushing up bills for households across Europe and the U.S. At the Goldman Sachs Asset Management Forum, Kaelyn Lucas and Joanna Saw from the corporate credit team explain the drivers that are moving prices up and the outlook for corporates and consumers.

What’s driving power and natural gas prices to record highs across Europe?

Joanna Saw:Soaring natural gas prices are feeding into power prices, so as gas prices have jumped by 2.5 times year-to-date, we’ve seen power prices roughly double across Europe over that period. It’s really due to a perfect storm of events: A long winter drove demand during key periods when gas supplies are normally refilled and stored for the winter; cargoes of liquefied natural gas have been redirected from Europe to Asia; and Russia, a key exporter of gas, has slowed exports to Germany and the rest of Europe. All of these factors are resulting in higher power prices and, in fact, generating stronger demand for coal which is also seeing higher prices due to carbon pricing. The U.K. is being particularly squeezed given that the country is a net importer of power from France and Ireland, which have both been tightening exports.

What are the implications in this case for investors?

Joanna Saw:Invariably there will be winners and losers from these record commodity prices. We think the net winners will be investors who are long energy prices, such as large energy and power generation companies, while the net losers and those who will be most exposed are the buyers and suppliers. Households can also expect to pay higher utility bills given that 30% of the costs are tied to gas and power prices. U.K. utility bills, for example, are set to increase by 12% for the winter period due to price increases over summer 2021. And, with current forward prices, bills are expected to jump 25% further for the summer of 2022, which will hurt households’ disposable income and boost inflation expectations for next year. The utilities in the U.K. are particularly hampered by a consumer energy price cap that was introduced in 2019 by the regulator Ofgem, which limited utilities’ ability to pass on rising wholesale prices to customers (the price cap is reviewed by Ofgem every six months). As a result, many utilities are now struggling to absorb the higher costs; in some cases, the smaller utilities are shutting down.

And what does the situation look like in the U.S.?

Kaelyn Lucas:In the U.S., natural gas prices are approaching levels that we haven’t seen since 2014, with a 30% run-up in U.S. Henry Hub natural gas prices. In fact, this is the first time gas prices have broken above the $5 per million BTU threshold since then. Overall, we can also expect to see higher winter heating bills for customers and higher costs for utilities. Similar to what Joanna notes, this is really a perfect storm of events in the U.S., where an unprecedented heat wave reduced the availability of gas to store for the winter months. We’ve also seen relatively flat gas production and record exports.

How will the electric and gas utilities manage the higher costs?

Kaelyn Lucas:The impact on gas utilities should be relatively neutral, as costs are likely to be shouldered by their customers. In fact, we haven’t seen much bond price reaction because the expectation is that utilities will pass on the higher prices to consumers via regulatory mechanisms. Transmission and distribution utilities—which have less coal and gas exposure—will tend to fare better than natural gas utilities, which cannot switch fuels to more economic inputs such as coal and wind. But to the extent this situation persists, it could make investments in decarbonization and other capex more challenging for the vertically integrated electric utilities, while increasing the utilization of coal—and carbon emissions across the industry—in the near term.

The main impact, of course, will be customer affordability: The gas utilities have benefited from a decades-long tailwind of a declining cost environment, resulting in lower customer bills. Across the U.S., the average heating bill is around $60 a month and 40% of that can be attributed largely to purchased gas costs. So a 50% increase in the cost of gas would equate to a 20% bill increase. Over the long term, if higher prices persist and become the new equilibrium, this could potentially force U.S. households to allocate more of their income to paying gas bills while limiting utilities’ ability to raise rates absent regulatory intervention.

What’s Pushing Gas Prices So High (2024)


What’s Pushing Gas Prices So High? ›

The cost to refine crude oil into gasoline, including occasional refinery production shutdowns, scheduled and unscheduled. Seasonal factors, such as changing from cheaper gas blends used in the winter, leading to a natural price spike in the spring. Spot shortages, sometimes caused by geopolitical tensions.

Why are gas prices so high all of a sudden? ›

The cost to refine crude oil into gasoline, including occasional refinery production shutdowns, scheduled and unscheduled. Seasonal factors, such as changing from cheaper gas blends used in the winter, leading to a natural price spike in the spring. Spot shortages, sometimes caused by geopolitical tensions.

Why did gas prices go up in July 2024? ›

On July 1, the California Gas Tax is set to increase to 60 cents per gallon, which has more than doubled since 2017 when it was just 27.8 cents per gallon. The announcement of a gas tax increase from 58 cents to 60 cents was made in May 2024 — see notice here.

Why are oil prices going up? ›

Rising crude oil prices in our forecast are the result of falling global oil inventories. We estimate global oil inventories decreased by 0.4 million barrels per day (b/d) in 1H24 and will fall by 0.8 million b/d in 2H24. Inventory withdrawals stem in part from ongoing OPEC+ production cuts.

Why gas prices rise faster than they fall? ›

Gasoline prices can change rapidly if something disrupts crude oil supplies, refinery operations, or gasoline pipeline deliveries. Even when crude oil prices are stable, gasoline prices fluctuate because of seasonal changes in demand and in gasoline specifications.

Who controls gas prices in the USA? ›

Petroleum prices are determined by market forces of supply and demand, not individual companies, and the price of crude oil is the primary determinant of the price we pay at the pump.

What is the leading cause of high gas prices? ›

These reasons include the isolated nature of the state's transportation fuels market, a special gasoline recipe that reduces air pollution, environmental program costs, and taxes.

How many years of oil are left in the world? ›

World Oil Reserves

The world has proven reserves equivalent to 46.6 times its annual consumption levels. This means it has about 47 years of oil left (at current consumption levels and excluding unproven reserves).

What are three reasons that oil and gas prices spike? ›

Factors influencing crude oil prices include:
  • Current supply and output. Until recent years, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) often set supply through a quota system. ...
  • Future supply and reserves. ...
  • Demand from major countries. ...
  • Political events and crises.

How much oil is left? ›

Globally, around 1.6 trillion barrels of recoverable oil remain, according to a 2023 survey by Rystad Energy. There's also recoverable oil we haven't yet discovered; that's a hazier number, although in 2012, the U.S. Geological Survey put the estimate at 565 billion barrels.

Where does gasoline come from? ›

Gasoline is a fuel made from crude oil and other petroleum liquids. Gasoline is mainly used in vehicle engines. Petroleum refineries and blending facilities produce finished motor gasoline for retail sale at gasoline fueling stations.

Where are oil prices headed? ›

Nearby NYMEX WTI crude oil prices edged 1.96% lower in Q2 but were 13.8% higher over the first six months of 2024. The NYMEX contract settled Q2 at $81.54 per barrel. Prices moved lower in July and early August.

Why did prices rise so quickly? ›

Inflation is a measure of the rate of rising prices of goods and services in an economy. Inflation can occur when prices rise due to increases in production costs, such as raw materials and wages. A surge in demand for products and services can cause inflation as consumers are willing to pay more for the product.

What's the future of gas prices? ›

According to our Gas price prediction, GAS price is expected to have a -13.06% decrease and drop as low as by August 07, 2024. Our analysis of the technical indicators suggests that the current market feeling is Bearish Bearish 79%, with a Fear & Greed Index score of 26 (Fear).

What state has the highest gas prices? ›

Average gas prices highest in California, lowest in Mississippi. As of July 19, 2024, the highest average gas price is in California ($4.71 per gallon). That's followed by Hawaii ($4.70) and Washington ($4.26). Source: AAA.


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